Friday, October 2, 2015


In my previous article I discussed about computer blue screen error,the causes and steps to tackle such error. Among the listed steps to tackle such error was system restore which I will be discussing in this article.

What Is System Restore?
System Restore is a recovery tool in Windows that allows you to reverse certain kinds of changes made to the operating system. For better understanding or for a layman understanding, we can say its a way of taking back your computer to an earlier point when it was in good condition.

How Does System Restore Works?
It returns important windows files and settings, like: Drivers,registry keys, system files, installed programs, and more - back to previous versions and settings.
You can think of it as an ''Undo'' feature in most Microsoft Windows Application.

How To Access System Restore?
System Restore can be accessed from the System Tools program folder in Windows.
But in a situation where you cant access your Windows at all, due to startup issues, you can as well access it through Safe Mode, System restore can also be started using Command Prompt. Another goodnews is that you can even run System Restore from outside Windows completely via Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10 and Windows 8, or System Recovery Options in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

For step by step direction on how to go about the above options; you can either google the option you want to try or better still contact me through my Contact Basedave page Or through my live chat.
I want to believe Today's article was a bit helpful too, don't forget to share in all social media as much as you can for your friends too to benefit.
Meanwhile you can check bellow for links to my previous articles.

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